To stay in touch with each other requires frequent communication. As the website has grown the ezine has also changed and developed from a comprehensive magazine type sent out on a quarterly basis, to a shorter version in recent years. However - the goal is still to inform, encourage and support YOU in your home education journey by giving sound advice from personal experience or observations made from homeschooling my own children for two deacdes now. It is still FREE and you can subscribe on the right to receive your ezine in your Inbox when it is published. With your subscription you will also receive a free copy of the ebook Happy Homes - written by real homeschool moms for encouragement on your homeschool journey...

Some feedback from readers...

Excellent advice and website. (Karen)

Jou bydrae tot die tuisskoolveld is baie waardevol. (Antoinette)


Thank you for your very practical website; you have been a great source of inspiration in our homeschooling journey enlightenment. (Mulenga)


Van al die nuusbriewe wat ek ontvang is dit omtrent die enigste een wat ek altyd lees en iets leer , of aan iets herinner word wat belangrik is. Jy het 'n gawe om mense te inspireer! (Louise)


Thank you for uplifting words. Your advice is very helpful. Thank you again for the encouragement and all the book recommendations.(Tracey)


You serve a community in need of your encouragement. (Beatrice)


Dankie vir jou positiewe persoonlikheid en tyd wat jy vir ander maak as ons maar onseker is oor die toekoms... (tuisskool). Jy maak n verskil! (Zelda)


This particular website is actually a really good one. It is a really informative site and worth visiting, so I think it needs much more exposure. (Taryn)


Thank you again and I always enjoy reading your stories and the info you so freely share with us. (Portia)


Dankie Willemien! Die ezines is bemoedigend en baie kosbaar! (Gerda)


Thank you so much for all your helpfull emails and your website with so much helpful info! I really enjoy reading your goodies! (Lesinda)